See also:

Using Images on Grapevine - Where do I find the Image URL?

This article explains how to style your Grapevine room to your heart's desire. It is split into the following main sections:

  1. Room Type (Tables vs. Presentation)
  2. General Styling
  3. Seating Sections
  4. Permissions
  5. Table Queues
  6. Banner/Sponsor Images

First, you'll want to create the event/room, then click Enter Room. Once inside, click the "More" button in the toolbar, then click Room Options.

A window will appear with several sections. Each section is described below. Click the arrow next to a section name to show/hide that section.

<aside> 💡 Whenever you see a "hamburger icon" ☰ (technically a "trigram" 😉), you can use that to drag the window to other parts of the page.

Also, if you hover over the edge of some windows, your cursor will turn into a resize icon. You can make these windows larger/smaller.


1. Room Layout*

*This actually is not its own section, but is a dropdown right above the General Styling section (see the image above).

By default, it is set to Tables. Set it to Presentation to have 1 table at the top of the page, and a bunch of seats in the audience.

2. General Styling

Enter a Room Status Message to change the message shown at the top left of the room.

Set a color or image background for the page itself or the rectangular header section at the top of the page.

3. Seating Sections


  1. Click the arrow next to a section name to show/hide that seating section.

  2. By default, you will have one seating section, named "Main area". If you expand this section, you will see options to set the Starting # and Maximum # of tables. Your room will start with the Starting #, and add more tables automatically (up to your Maximum #) as attendees arrive. It will also take tables away if the room is very busy and then starts to quiet down.

    Any additional seating sections you create will not grow/shrink in this way. Instead, you simply set the # of tables, and that is how many tables you will see.

Naming a Seating Section

Simply click on the name of a seating section in the blue block (such as where it says "Main area") and start typing to change the name.

To show a sign with the section's name, set Show Section Sign to Yes (under Section Layout).

Creating and Arranging Seating Sections

Click + Seating Section to create a new section. It will appear to the right of the existing section. To place it on the left, use the hamburger icon on the blue block to drag it above the preceding seating section.