Grapevine Network —

HandBrake is a tool for converting video from nearly any format to a selection of modern, widely supported codecs. This support article will show you how to transcode your video file into an MP4 video file format — one of the most popular formats used today.

Download HandBrake here:

Step 1 - Open HandBrake and Choose Your File

When HandBrake is opened, it will [usually] immediately ask which file desired for transcoding. Choose the file and click Open.

If it does not automatically ask for a file, click the Source button in the top left corner.

Step 2 - Choose The Output Format

Under Output Settings select MP4 from the Format drop down menu.

Step 3 - Choose The File Destination

For Destination click Browse and select where you want the MP4 stored upon completion of the transcoding process.

Step 4 - Click Start

Click Start to begin the transcoding process.